Solar Photovoltaic Panels are becoming more and more popular both within a residential and commercial setting. But did you know that by looking towards this renewable source of energy for your business could save you money.
With many businesses now looking at options to reduce the cost of energy, the cost of Solar Panels is currently on fast reducing track and is expected to continue reducing over the next few years. Consequently, Solar Panels have indeed a high promising future both for economic viability and environmental sustainability. Solar panels are one of major renewable energy systems that are promoted through government subsidy funding (FITs, tax credits etc.); thus financial incentive for PV panels make solar energy panels an attractive investment alternative
Solar PV or Solar Photovoltaic is the process where solar panels turn sun light into free, green electricity. It is one of the easiest and most beneficial renewable energy technologies to add to any building, commercial or domestic.
Solar PV Panels work from both direct sunlight and indirect sunshine. There is an opinion that solar technology will not work efficiently in cloudy conditions or in the winter months in Ireland. This however is not true. PV cells work on sunlight rather than heat from the sun. You can see more benefits of Solar Panels by clicking here.
At the family owned, Flahavans Porridge company, Enerpower installed a 130 kWp rooftop mounted Solar Photo Voltaic systems allowing Flahavans to reduce their energy consumption significantly on an ongoing basis for the future. Given their commitment and focus on renewable energy, changes in electricity prices will not affect Flahavans. This project shows how commercially viable solar photovoltaic has become for Irish businesses looking to consolidate their future expenses when it comes to energy
If you would like more information on SOLAR PV and how it can be beneficial to your business, contact us today on 051 364 054.
Contact us on +353 051 364 054 for more information or email us directly below.