Under Project Ireland 2040 National Development plan, 300 million euro has been pledged for the rollout of the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat for the period up to 2027 which will see Ireland double its renewable energy production.
The Support Scheme for Renewable Heat, launched by the Irish Government in December 2017, is currently awaiting final sign off on State Aid approval. This scheme will financially support business with the replacement of fossil fuel heating systems to a renewable energy solution such as biomass boilers for large heat demand non-domestic customers.
Speaking at the Energy in Agriculture event last Tuesday, Denis Naughten T.D noted that the binding renewable energy target for the EU between now and 2030 is 32%. “Ireland will need to make a significant effort in our national contribution towards this target and the details in relation to how we achieve that will be set out in the draft national energy climate plan will be published later this year”
Earlier this month, the SEAI released the draft Terms and Conditions on the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat. To be eligible for support under the scheme applicants will need to comply with all relevant requirements set out in the terms and conditions and operating rules including ongoing obligations. It will be a requirement of the scheme that all installations and heat use must take place within the State. The current draft terms are available on the SEAI website which you can view here.
If you would like to generate renewable energy for your business and be financially rewarded for doing so, contact Enerpower on 051 364 054. Enerpower can carry out a detailed survey at your property and offer you a bespoke solution that suits your business and circumstances.