Solar PV Generation system of 30Kwp has been installed at Cahill’s Cheese in Limerick. The installation consists of 100 solar pv panels on site. The installation is part of the journey with Origin Green for Cahills Cheese to become a more sustainable business. the company have comitted to reducing their annual carbon emissins while use a clean and sustainable way to generate electricity.
Cahills Cheese based in Limerick is a family run business, their award winning cheese range can be found on supermarket shelves from Ireland to Japan, the UK and USA. The cheese is 100% pure and natural, handcrafted in a traditional Irish way made with only the freshest, wholesome, national ingredients.
This Solar PV generation will generate up to 29,000kWh of renewable electricity per annum. This will result in a saving of 15 tonnes of C02 annually. Solar Panels produce no harmful emissions and businesses that rely on solar power means less toxic emissions from fossil fuels into our air. A solar array will be provide green energy to the factory, supplied by nature, free and in abundance, it will create no waste or emissions.
Along with the immense benefits to our environment choosing solar panels for your business will also see a huge gain in electricity savings and operating costs. Installing solar energy can ensure that your business is protected against future price rises from energy suppliers or carbon taxes that may be introduced. With many financial benefits and incentives now available for businesses, many are now looking towards renewable energy.
We are delighted that the team at Cahill’s Farm Cheese are aware of their responsibility to the environment and are on their journey with Origin Green to become more sustainable reducing their carbon emissions. We are also delighted that Cahills Farm Cheese choose Enerpower to support them with this journey.
If you would like to find out how you can generate renewable energy for your business with a solar installation call us today on 051 364 054 a member of our team can speak directly to you regarding your business.