Certa Headquarters are continuously working to reduce their carbon footprint and impact on the environment as they aim to become carbon neutral. Certa is a modern-day fuel station. Certa main objective was to liberate consumers from the constraints of queues as each station allows consumers to pay for their fuel at the pump. Certa sustainability plan states that they are committed to running a carbon neutral operation. Certa believe that small steps over time equal big strides.
Enerpower have successfully completed three Certa fuels stations; Clarehall, Ballymount and Ashbourne. Clarehall was completed in 2020 and is the largest installation of the three with a 30kWp Solar PV system and LED Lighting system was also installed by Enerpower. Both Ballymount and Ashbourne saw the installation of 11kWp systems.
Certa head office approached Enerpower as they wanted to invest in a solar PV system. Enerpower found that Certa had numerous unmanned fuel stations which in turn meant they used significantly less electricity than most other fuel stations. An Enerpower engineer conducted an energy audit which allowed for the decision on a 11kWp system for both Ballymount and Ashbourne fuel stations.
Enerpower installed 375w Longi solar modules which resulted in a total of 29 solar panels being installed at both sites. These Longi panels will perform extremely well with low light and are lower temperate coefficient. Solax 3 phase hybrid inverters were used during the install at both Certa sites. A Van Der Valk mounting system was also used for the installation of these solar PV arrays.
Since installation in June, each system has generated a total yield of 3.85MWp. Ballymount and Ashbourne fuel stations have avoided a combined total of 7.7 tons of Co2 emissions, that is the equivalent of planting 420 trees.
The rooftop solar PV systems installed at the three Certa fuel station have greatly impacted their carbon footprints and these stations have now achieved carbon neutrality. Certa are hoping to implement Solar PV systems across remaining 31 fuel stations.
Enerpower played a massive part in assisting Certa in achieving carbon neutrality at the Ballymount, Ashbourne and Clarehall facilities.
Enerpower are delighted to have worked on these three projects. Each project was completed safely, on time and under budget. ESB Witness testing has confirmed that the installation complies with the Zero Export and Grid Protection Requirements and the construction activities had minimal impact on the operations of Certa fuel stations.
Enerpower are Ireland’s Leading Renewable Energy Company and if you would like to learn more about the transition to renewable energy for your company, contact us today on 051 364 054